Sunday 9 September 2012

A timely marrow recipe...

For those of you currently inundated with overgrown courgettes rapidly turning into marrow's, this post is for you!

We are not keen on marrow so do not like to eat it stuffed but don't mind it in chutney. Anyway, I was recently given one such item and wondered what to do with it.

I found some going soft carrots and onions and some split tomatoes, all of which had seen slightly better days.

I decided to peel, roughly chop and roast them – the soft seed part of the marrow was removed. They were tossed in about 2 tablespoons olive oil, sprinkled with salt and pepper and oven roasted (minus the tomatoes) for 30 minutes. After this, they were tossed, the tomatoes added and roasted for another 20 minutes.

Normally when using courgettes to do this, the whole tray would be golden brown and smelling lovely. Marrows however have a large amount of water in them so my tray was cooked somewhere in-between steaming and roasting but was nowhere near as golden as usual.

They were left to go cold and refrigerated overnight.

As they didn't look too appetising I had to think what to do with them and hit on the idea vegetables in a cheese sauce. They were put into a lasagne dish and covered with a pint of low calorie cheese sauce.

After being cooked in a 200 Celsius oven for 30 – 40 minutes they were ready. We had 1/4 each with some salad and the rest we'll warm today with more salad. 
Although the vegetables looked very shiny as though they had too much oil on them, they didn't. I think the shininess came from the excess marrow juice being sucked into the vegetables overnight. It didn't taste too bad but another time, I think I would lightly salt the marrow overnight to draw off the excess juice.


  1. It's surprising what you can rustle up from a few tired veggies. I like the sound of this dish but would probably use courgettes as don't often buy marrows.
    Patricia x

    1. I would prefer courgettes as well, marrow's for me have too weak a flavour.


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