Sunday 3 February 2013

Donating to charity

Month 2 of my charitable donations goes to Canine Partners, whose web site can be found here

I recently watched a fascinating programme about such dogs and how much they do to help their owners. Like most charities, they rely on donations from interested people. I always check out charity numbers to ensure I am giving to a registered charity and not some sleeze-ball who has apparently set up a charity to pocket the money for themselves!


  1. These dogs are amazing. I have seen some of them working with our disabled soldiers. I will join you in making a donation this month x

  2. That is very kind and unexpected Fran, thank you. xx

  3. My friend with MS has one of those dogs and he is awesome. We have always made charitable contributions( hard cash) even when we were almost broke. Good for the soul as well as helping good organizations.

    1. That is very true although I have been a little remiss about donating in the past.

  4. I like to donate to the charities of MY choosing and hate all the begging letters and adverts that there are at the moment. I especially hate it when they send you free pens or as one charity did a 5p piece (and they sent me three copies of this begging letter so 15p in total). I would rather they saved their money for what it is needed for than may for advertising, paper and postage and free gifts.

    I like your idea of a donation each month and I think I'll do something similar.

    There's an award for you over at mine, if you're passing.

    Sue xx

    1. The more they beg, the less I am interested. Yes, I had found the award, thank ;you very much, but I shan't be forwarding it on. Thank anyway. x


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