Thursday 4 April 2019

I have spent....

The last 2 hours in my pyjamas and dressing gown, very unusual for me. However, I haven’t just been sitting around. Granola has been made and baked, my weekly shopping list organised and bread is in the bread machine, and the breakfast things washed and put away.

A dull, grey, cold day is currently in motion. Maybe it will improve. DB has a hygienist appointment then we can chill out and tootle around as per normal.

I have washing machine liquid to make up and a video game to play!


  1. I did that yesterday, stayed in my pj's that is. Sometimes comfort is what is needed.

    1. I quite often change late afternoon.

  2. Sometimes being comfortable in PJs is just the right still got a lot done. Have a good evening.

    1. So much more comfortable than normal clothes.

  3. Morning coffee time is so lovely in pj's. Most mornings the first hour or so is spent that way during the winter and early spring. I manage to get caught up on emails that way.

    You accomplished lots while being comfortable.

    God bless.


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