Friday 27 March 2020

A bit of music for you

Heart of Courage By Two Steps From Hell:

Recognise it? It was used in Gladiator and we all need a heart of courage at the moment. Two Steps From Hell have a fantastic selection of music, some of which you will recognise from films.

Went shopping yesterday, just to Lidl. They were operating a one out one in queue, so much more civil. Couldn’t have been more than 20 inside. Got everything except pasta. I was wearing a home made mask and gloves. Most were not even wearing gloves:(

We don’t  need to go there again for 3 or 4 weeks now and DB stayed in the car. We are lucky to have a small local shop for emergency top ups.

Stay safe everyone.


  1. Thankfully we have a good local shop which will deliver but obviously this costs more. We did do an enormous shop before lockdown so its only a few fresh items that are needed. Stay safe.

    1. Fresh items in the long term might be a problem from a going out point, when you are trying to stay in.


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