Wednesday 15 April 2020

The blame game....

Every day during coronanvirus briefings, the blame game starts. Journalists tackle the government spokesperson about why people are still not receiving (either at all or in suitable capacity) their PPE. The government spokesperson responds by saying, every day, it is being continually dispatched to local distribution hubs.

If that is the case, why isn't anyone discussing what’s happening there? Who is in charge of these hubs and are they able to effectively do their job? Do they need help? How does distribution work? If delays are from there, what can be done to alleviate them?

Lack of PPE is a worldwide problem. From what I can gather, our manufacturers are now producing gowns, scrubs, masks, face visors, hand sanitizers, ventilators etc.

How long will it take to reach full production? Will there be a distribution problem from them to where they need to go and indeed where do they go from them?

Surely these are also the questions the journalists should be asking rather than the non stop blame game they are permanently playing with the government.

I am not a fan of politics. I don't have any affiliation with any party. Over the years, I have voted for most parties. I believe that whichever government had been in power, they would not have done things much differently, nor been able to respond any more quickly. As I have said though, I am not involved with the decisions nor those making them. I do not have all the facts concerned and whilst I may be sad and mad about what appears to be going on, I don’t feel in a position to adequately comment, one way or the other.

As we are constantly being told, everything is being done via the latest scientific and medical advice. The scientific and medical leaders are learning on the job, along with everyone else.

Lets face it, the whole thing is a logistical nightmare to deal with, respond to, and distribute what is needed, where it is needed and at the right time in the right quantities.

Lets try and stop blaming those who are doing their best, whereever and whoever they might be, even if they appear to not be doing what we think they should.

There will be time to peel the layers afterwards. Time for discussions on what went wrong, or right, who should have done what and when.

I want to see my granddaughter who will probably be on her way to being mobile when we do. We are all missing so much, losing loved ones, losing jobs and livelihoods, being assaulted in our homes, losing our way of life and our liberty. If we are still standing at the end, we will have won.


  1. I never comment on blogs but I have to say you nailed it. Politics has no business here, only love for life and the good for of all of us in this world.
    Love and kindness has to conquer all. So it has been in all the wars and it must be now. May God bless you today

    1. Thank you and thanks for your comment.

  2. What a great post, with which I agree wholeheartedly. I do think the Government were slow to react, but now they are doing their very best to get on with things in the correct and safest way and the constant bashing and stupid pointless questions by journalists don't help.

    1. I think most governments didn’t realise the reality of it in time. Do we really know or will ever know, what the true numbers were in China?

  3. I for one, get very cross with the questions asked at the daily briefings. Round and round they go. I can hardly bear to think about the tragedies happening every minute of every day as it is too overwhelming. We will have to face the huge economic downturn after this passes but let’s wait until then. I have enough to cope with at the moment with so many of the family working in the health service and the constant worry.
    I totally agree with your last sentence.

    1. I suppose their questions may get asked by the previous reporters but you would think they would have alternative ones ready.

  4. I agree with your words. There's always some smart-arse journalist trying to score points where the Govt's handling of this situation is concerned. Like you feel, the problem with PPE seems to be distribution of it. My local large hospital where I worked for several years have taken scrubs and other PPE out of storage and past their use by dates (??) and have tested them and all were found to be safe to use. My son works at a factory where the fabric for the NHS is flying out continuously. My DIL is a matron and she has been testing patients and has to lock all her unit's PPE away as it keeps getting stolen - along with hand sanitizer. Everyone is doing their best and not everything is the Govt's fault.

    1. I am sure things will be looked into afterwards and hopefully lessons continue to be learned during this crisis.

  5. It is sad that so many people are just spending time criticising. Let's be positive and do what we can to help and to cheer one another on. There are bound to be errors, nobody has ever traversed this weird Covidian Wilderness before. I am grateful I live here and not the USA right now. I am grateful I still LIVE right now

  6. I am dismayed that the new Labour leader, Mr Starmer, is demanding this and that. He wants an exit strategy spelling out on paper. For goodness sake, just let Boris and Co get on with the job, and stop trying to derail progress.

    1. Yes, I too felt the same way. That is his job I suppose.

  7. I can only echo the comments above. As the experts say this is a new virus and everyone is learning on the job. We can only hope we get through it and life will never be the same again. Stay safe everyone follow the rules.

    1. Thanks Pam. I think even when the lockdown is finally lifted, social distancing will still be in effect for quite some time.

  8. I disagree, as you may already know, and would be critical of whoever was in government when there is reason. Political allegiance goes out of the window in a national crisis. Unfortunately we won't all still be standing, and even if I am I won't see it as a win, when thousands have died. If it's any of my loved ones, who aren't currently receiving the protection that they should, I will never forgive.

    1. Yes, I was expecting you to comment my darling and I don’t mind one jot! I think feeling it as a win covers many aspects not just to still be alive but for the country to still be standing and eventually recover. Of course, being with someone on the front line affects you far more than me. DB falls into the protective category but I still have to go shopping and fear bringing it back to him. Those who have lost and will lose loved ones for quite sometime in the future, will probably not recover or forgive.

  9. I live in the US and it is terrible. Idiot President and no better government. Between the democrats and republicans we are in deep trouble.

    1. We can only hope he gets ousted next time, but if not, after another dreadful four years for you all, he has to go doesn’t he?

    2. I read somewhere this he is treating the presidential role as a tv reality show. I am frightened that Joe Biden is not up to the role either. Guess I can only pray and know God is with me.

  10. I agree with what you've said. The witch hunt when this is all over will be dreadful. I know they knew the situation long before it was openly voiced but the whole thing is unprecedented. Marcon spoke to the French people yesterday apologizing for mistakes made. Its been a learning curve and unfortunately the price has been death.

    1. It’s just the way I feel about it all. Others feel differently. WHO knew it was an epidemic but not a pandemic, based on what they were being told. I think no one really had the time needed and everyone is playing catch-up.

  11. I get so mad at those that complain that our Prime Minister here in Canada is not doing enough. They want more money, faster procurement of PPE and the country to open up again to save the economy. These are the same people that will complain when this is over (if a vaccine is found) that our government pushed us into major debt. I just want to shake them all.

    God bless.


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