Thursday 3 September 2020

Waste not want not!

Blogger is driving me nuts today. Four times I have gone on to read and the new interface has been there. Four times I have reverted to the old legacy interface. Just come on now, and the new interface is back. For goodness sake blogger, don't give us the option to remain on the legacy interface if you are going to keep changing it back:(

The cooking apple windfalls we were given the other day are starting to go off. We processed half of them but now they are rotting at a fast pace.

I set to this morning and dealt with them. I suspect many would have simply ditched them.

Here is what I managed to salvage:
And a whole compost bin of the rubbish:
I think there will be enough for at least one but probably two bags to freeze for future puddings/cakes.


  1. Yes I've had the same problem with the the new one being foisted on me this morning too, downright irritating.

    Our apples are being attacked by wasps faster than we can get to them, inundated with them this year, so annoying.

    1. Not so bad here at the moment but I bet the moment I start pickling they will come.

  2. It's great that you managed to save some of the apples and the rest will add to the compost pile. I've found that many of the scraps I add to our compost pile end up giving me free plants. This spring I had two peach trees coming up in the compost pile along with a few tomato plants.

    1. Very handy. Our potato peelings often do that.

  3. Good for you for your perseverance.

    1. Didn’t want to waste them after requesting them.

  4. I still haven't been switched over, so I'm enjoying it while it lasts!
    I've just dealt with a large bag of apples I picked at the weekend. Thank goodness they cook down as I'm rapidly running out of freezer space. I have a chest freezer, and 2 drawers of an upright, full of fruit!

    1. Goodness me, that is a lot. Mind you our house and garage freezer are almost full. I don’t want to change but every time I go on, it’s reverted back to the new one:(

  5. I just want to know how the heck you get your pictures sized properly.... Oh well something else I need to learn.

    Glad you saved at least some of the apples.

    God bless.

    1. I have a photo editing programme and size everything to 15cm x 10cm.


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