Sunday 26 December 2021

Postal Christmas Gifts

Hopefully, this will post on Boxing Day here in the UK or 26th December to the rest of you!

These are what I made for my postal gifts to family and friends:

I normally try to make the whole thing but didn't this year. Instead I bought 6 beeswax tea lights and 12 beeswax small candles. I rootled around in my craft paper drawer and selected paper. 

2 cm strips were attached using double sided tape to the taller candles, hope they stay stuck down as they are now wrapped:(.

1cm strips were attached using tape to each tea light. 

It is just a little something to let everyone know I am thinking about them.


  1. How lovely - real beeswax candles are so special

  2. A lovely and very useful gift.

  3. I had never heard of boxing day and had to google it but I was so impressed with the idea. What a wonderful way to give to those who are less fortunate. I really liked the older idea rather than the shopping idea. Have a blessed New Year.

  4. A very lovely thing to do. xx

  5. How lovely. I do like a good beeswax candle.

    God bless.


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