Saturday 6 May 2023

Cost versus revenue

 For the coronation that is. I get a tad annoyed at those folk who are very vocal about the cost of living crisis versus money being wasted on the coronation. How they won’t watch it because of the waste of money, regardless of whether they are fans of the monarchy. The waste of money of having a royal family is also used everyday, yet as a whole, they generate more income for the country coffers than the amount the country gives them. 

Another argument is that no-one wants them, not my king etc. They know this because of the lack of flags up for the coronation. Well, we like the royals, as do most people I know, most of us have not got flags up. Never done it, doesn’t mean we are anti-royal.

If you don’t like them that’s fine. Want to moan that’s fine, just get your facts straight!

Having taken the time to actually find out, here are the numbers.

Approximately £100 million will be spent. In return it will generate, for the country coffers, not less than £1 billion. 


  1. With the spectacle of the Coronation in the offing, only a terminally stupid Chancellor of the Exchequer would kill the tourist revenue coming into the country by stopping VAT free shopping. But, hey, what do these so-called intelligent people know about the real world?

  2. I love watching anything Royal! I think the Royals boost our coffers no end. I put flags out & bunting up last year for the Jubilee. The only reason I haven't done it this year is because I'm still getting over losing our dog and just can't seem to muster up any enthusiasm.

    1. Not surprising in the circumstances.

  3. I’m an American, but I love watching all of the beautiful pageantry for the royal family. Weddings, funerals, a coronation…I’m watching! 😁

    1. The first military attempt to get everyone moving at exactly the same time afterwards, was amazing.


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