Saturday 30 July 2022

Jobs for today finished.

 Picked and froze more wild plums, 3lb this time. Easily 50-100lb left but most out of reach, too small or over ripe. Might go for a few more pounds if we remember.

Dug up rhubarb and moved it to the front, where if it survives, it will have more room to grow.

Made a loaf of bread. Stripped bed, remade it, washed and dried on the line.

Popped to local shop for milk as we forgot it yesterday.

We are picking what to watch on the Commonwealth games. Really enjoying the swimming and cycling. So nice to be hosting it as there is no time difference.

DS still recovering from Covid, still just positive but absolutely pooped bless him. Hope he doesn’t pass it on to his family although think they would be showing symptoms now, if they had caught it.


  1. Good to get everything done and then sit down for a spot of sport. Enjoy, and have a great weekend. Glad to hear that your son is doing relatively okay too, my son is permanently exhausted after his second bout a few months ago.

    1. Odd isn’t it. He also said he can’t control his temperature!

  2. Hope so as we now have new dates to visit them.

  3. A neighbor gave my daughter some blueberries as they had too many that they picked a week ago before it got hot. She is going to make blueberry muffins in a day or so. A neighbor gave us some eggs from their hens today. Now we have almost 2 dozen eggs as I have one I bought at grocery store the other week. Hope your son feels better soon. Not fun to have a virus and stay at home for days. God bless!

    1. Very nice donations from your neighbours.

  4. Crikey, your post has just reminded me that I need to make up our bed which I stripped this morning!

  5. You got a great deal done. Enjoy the games.

    God bless.


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