Monday 17 July 2023

Tomato Tigerella

I last grew this variety of tomato more than 35 years ago. They are part of the large pack of seeds given to me on Mothers Day this year. I do remember them being slightly larger than a regular tomato such as Shirley, but not this big:

They are all as large as, or larger than, a tennis ball! Another odd thing about them, don't know if this is normal or the weather, is that after 2 trusses have set fruit, the tomato has 'blinded' itself. There is no more growth above the last truss, how weird.


  1. Those look enormous, no wonder the plant has said 'no more'. ;-)

  2. Those look darn big. Kind of like our Beefsteak tomatoes here.

    God bless.

  3. A couple of mine have done the same thing. I've never had that before. xx


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