Sunday 13 August 2023

Rose hips and rose hip powder

Up north during our visit, we found a lovely rose bush forming hips. We managed to pick two lots from it over the week. First lot were deseeded whilst fresh, the second I froze for some unknown reason so it was far more difficult to deseed. Shall not make that mistake again:

Anyhow, once thawed, I deseeded those that needed doing, tore into smaller pieces, covered and dried in my conservatory:

These were lightly ground to form small flakes/powder ready for rose hip tea:

The seeds were washed thoroughly in a sieve, then also laid out to dry:

Once dried, they were swizzled in a sieve to remove any residual hairs and ground to a powder:

One small jar of Vitamin C to add to my smoothies or cereals in winter. Won't last long but will be a good immune booster.


  1. How interesting.... Now I need to look up some rose bushes.

    God bless.

    1. These big hips were Rosa rugosa. Rose cantina (dog rose) though are reputedly the tastiest, but re prepared slightly differently.

  2. How lovely to be able t use the hips so thoroughly. xx

    1. Had my first drink yesterday it was lovely.

  3. That's one thing I have never made, I was often tempted to when we lived in Wales as we had a couple of bushes that were filled with rosehips every autumn, but I never got round to it sadly.

    1. We have previously made rose hip syrup and apple and rose hip jam.

  4. Love rose hip syrup...a real treat with lemonade. x


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