Tuesday 27 June 2023

Taking the mickey!

 Shopping this week, I came across Bird's custard pods - say what I thought.

The package holds 4 pods and costs £2. Each pod has 22g of mixture which melts into 1/4 pint of milk, which along with sugar, will give you 1/4 pint custard.

A standard tub of custard powder costs £2 but for that, you would be able to make 16 x 1/4 pints custard. So pods may be more convenient if there is just you or you only require a small amount BUT it will cost you £8 to make the equivalent you would get from a tub.

Then of course there is all that plastic and packaging:



  1. Another sign that the world's gone mad!

  2. Waitrose currently selling them at £1.15 [trying to get rid of them?] I notice one YouTuber calling them "Angry Birds Custard Pots" . Even if you are the sort of person who wants to make a single portion of custard in the microwave at work, it would be way cheaper to pre-measure your powder and sugar into a tupperware pot. Too much plastic and packaging, and grossly overpriced. I will not be buying these!

    1. Me neither. Cornflakes are another thing. 250g for £2 or 500g for £2.25. Outrageous!

  3. I think I would stick to the standard tub.

    God bless.

  4. Absolutely bonkers!! WHo ever thought that was in anyway a Good Idea??? xx

    1. Goodness knows, let alone the cost of development.

  5. That is just a step too far. I have recently started buying my Mum the little pots of ready made custard that microwave in 30 seconds as she can no longer stand at the cooker to make her own custard, but these pots still seem to have you doing some work AND costing you a ridiculous amount of money. The world is going mad and UPF is everywhere.

    1. It all just seems such a con for those on their own or in a hurry.


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