Tuesday 19 May 2020

Indoors outdoors...

When I went to bed last night, the outside temperature was 17.9C! It is supposed to drop to 13C and be around 10C for a few nights.

With that in mind, my 3, yes just 3 dwarf runner beans are spending those nights outside to get ready for planting. A few more have been sown but are slow to appear. The dwarf French beans seeds were useless.

Tomatoes, in various stages of size, have been in my open mini greenhouse for a few days, being closed in at night. Now, it is left open to harden them off. All being well, they will be planted in the garden the end of the month.

Slowly but surely the vegetables are moving on. I have raspberries setting fruit on my dwarf bushes bought last year. Another gooseberry failure though, with just a few fruits:(

Most of the rhubarb is at a standstill, though apples for now are doing well as are some pears.

Ah well, time will tell.


  1. I bought some compost from Aldi and my sewing results were dire. So I had to start again. Fingers crossed. Love the sound of Bush raspberry.

    1. I also didn’t manage to get my normal compost, maybe that’s the problem.

  2. The constant change in weather I think could be an issue and certainly for me using out of date seeds.

    1. Certainly random hot days aren’t helping.

  3. My rhubarb has gone berserk this year, it must be thanking us for not moving it yet AGAIN. We can't eat enough to keep up with production and obviously can't put any out at the gate for people to stop and pick up. Mind you I think some rabbits have been playing in it last night and there's been a bit of damage done so I need to go and have a tidy up. (Yes, we have BIG rabbits running around the place at the moment!!)

    1. The rhubarb did this last year. Watering didn’t seem to help then heavy rain set it growing, weird.

  4. Various bits of the family in various bits of the UK using various potting composts have reported the same germination problems. Our beans have been the same as yours poor germination, poor growing on. Husband even ended up giving seedlings in the greenhouse a weak liquid feed to buck things up a bit.

    1. I dug into the pots of the new beans after two weeks, just started to sprout.

  5. Just feeling very glad that I decided to pick up decent compost from the nursery that's on the way home from the only boot sale I went to. If I'd put it off until next time it would have been a different story.
    Big fails this year were Peppers and Basil.

    1. How strange, too cold maybe initially?

  6. Problems with growing here too. We also had problems last year, as did quite a few people at the allotment.

    1. Must be the weather to be affecting so many people all over the country.

  7. My seeds have all germinated, but they have taken a while in some instances. I have harvested some rhubarb, but it is not growing as prolifically as it normally does. But it has been exceptionally dry here. I can’t remember the last time we had proper rain, my water butt is completely empty now, so relying on tap water.


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